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Release Notes

The most important release notes regarding Lodgit Desk are listed below.

fixed Error was fixed
changed An existing feature in the program was changed
new A new feature in the program

Release Notes for 3.1.7 (24/02/2025)

changed The serial number and the public key of the TSE are now displayed decoded. This applies to the TSE information window, the TSE expert window and the TSE data on invoices and receipts.

changed The DSFinV-K data of new cash statements now contain the decoded public key of the TSE instead of the base64-decoded text.

changed A more detailed error message is now displayed in its own places if the connection to the TSE is missing.

changed TSE expert window: The buttons on the start page are now also activated if “checkIfIntitialized” has failed due to a TSE error.

changed TSE Export window: The need to enter the Time Admin PIN has been removed. The Client ID can now be left blank. This makes it possible to export the data for all client IDs at once.

changed Guest management: Filling the guest list has been revised.

fixed Table header (only German version) in the “Summarize guests” window corrected.

fixed Table header (only German version) in the guest management > History > “Merged guests” corrected.

fixed Overlong texts, which have to be wrapped to the next page, are now printed correctly.

fixed Windows: Added setting option to specify whether Lodgit has to handle the page copies when printing or whether this is already done by the operating system/printer driver.

Release Notes for 3.1.6 (05/02/2025)

Note Microsoft Windows: With this version we support the operating systems Windows 10 (build 1903+) to Windows 11. This means that support for Windows 8.1 and associated Windows servers is no longer available.

changed Display of the booking number in the “Down payment list” statistics.

changed Display of the booking number in the “Correspondence” statistics.

changed Display of the booking number in the “Correspondence > Correction invoice” statistics.

changed Display of data in the “Agent statistics” statistics revised. Depending on the payment status of the items, the booking number (All items) and the booking amount (Filtered items) are displayed in different colors.

fixed Setting the port is now optional when sending emails via SMTP 2.0.

fixed Colors for texts displayed in note color, information color and warning color revised.

fixed Printout and export of “Extra item list” statistics corrected.

fixed “Deletion log (postings)” statistics adjusted. Display of a hint text when changes have been made to the search filter.

Release Notes for 3.1.4 and 3.1.5 (09/01/2025)

new Generating e-invoices in format “PDF ZUGFeRD” and as E-Rechnung (xml) (applies to Germany only).

new Generating receipts (with invoice reciepient) in format “PDF ZUGFeRD” and as E-Rechnung (xml) (applies to Germany only).

new Printout of the “Overview of items to be invoiced” in the invoice window implemented. This replaces the “Draft invoice” function.

Release Notes for 3.1.3 (19/09/2024)

 changed  Lodgit Desk now supports macOS 15 Sequoia

Release Notes for 3.1.2 (25/06/2024)

new All bookings from a certain date can now be retroactively adjusted via a window according to the settings for the labeling.

changed The „draft invoice” option has been removed.

changed Draft invoices are no longer included in the GoBD export (Germany).

changed Multiple objects can now be selected in the Country Report.

changed Weaker, four-digit passwords are now optionally permitted in the User Administration.

fixed The creation time of the restaurant receipt is now correctly extracted from the Protel roombook.dat in the EPOS Systems interface.

Release Notes for 3.1.1 (11/03/2024)

new EPC QR code can now be displayed on invoices for payment by smartphone if the payment method bank transfer has been selected.

new DPR data cleansing: Letters can now be permanently deleted. Please observe the statutory retention obligations!

changed In the occupancy list in the reception window, you can now also search by channel manager number and channel booking number in the universal search field.

changed User management: The time until automatic logout can now be set individually on each computer on which Lodgit Desk is installed.

changed After generating a test database, booking labels are now also available in test bookings.

fixed The name of individual booking labels can now be changed.

Release Notes for 3.0.11 and 3.0.12 (10/01/2024)

new The priority can now be set for each booking status. This priority determines – in the event of overbooking – the display sequence in the booking plan.

new Interface “AVS”: The guest’s e-mail, which is required for the digital guest card, is now also forwarded. The authorisation for the guest card is stored in the guest administration.

new The deletion of old offers and confirmations has been implemented.

changed The language of database error messages has been improved.

fixed The import of texts from a Lodgit Lingua database in the text administration functioned very slowly.

fixed Links from Lodgit Desk to the documentation and the Lodgit website have been fixed.