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Lodging List = revenue prognosis

The lodging list helps you analyse the revenue and the expected future revenue of your accommodation services by creating a list with the calculations for a certain time frame that you can then print. If a booking’s revenue is being taken into account depends on whether or not the booking lies within the time frame you have specified.

The analysis does not make a difference between bookings that have already been billed and bookings that have not. All accommodation services are analysed for every single day. You have the option to filter the analysis for certain booking status.

If you only want to analyse the revenue that has already been billed, go to Administration > Financial Reports.

You can also use this list to easily compare the accommodation revenue of a month to the previous year or the current quarter to the last one.

1. Go to Lists > Lodging List which will open the window for the lodging list.

2. Select the time frame for which you want to do the analysis. You have two options on how to do that:

  • The free time frame, that you can define over the starting and ending date using the two calendars and
  • the limited time frame that you can define using the drop down menu and selecting a month, quarter, six-month-period or year.

3. You can filter this list and only analyse a certain object by selecting it in the drop down menu.

4. You can also restrict the analysis to certain booking status by selecting them in the drop down menu.

5. You can print this list by pressing the Print button. You can also Export the list as an Excel file and then save it on your computer. That file can then be edited by software such as Microsoft Excel 2007 and newer (Windows), iWorks Numbers (Macintosh) or OpenOffice (Windows, Macintosh).

Charts for Lodging

You can generate a chart for this analysis by clicking on the button Chart.