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Highlighting Special Periods in the Occupancy Plan

In Lodgit Desk you can mark special periods, such as holidays or city festivals, by taking advantage of an object/rental unit location.

Version 1: Create a new object with a rental unit and drag it to the top or bottom of the object list. You can use the object colour to delimit this in the occupancy schedule list. This method is suitable if you only have one object, or the selected periods are identical for all objects. This version also does not affect your evaluations within Lodgit Desk, since you can perform all evaluations object-related.

Version 2: Alternatively, you can simply create a new rental unit in an existing object. You can use the abbreviation to place it at the beginning or end of the rental unit list; you can differentiate it from the others by using an individual colour. You can use this version to select object-specific periods and easily show and hide them together with the object. However, you should bear in mind that this version may affect your evaluations and analyses, since this rental unit is considered part of your object. 

No matter which version you choose, you should now have created a rental unit for your periods. In this rental unit, you now create bookings for the duration of these special periods. With the help of the booking label “Individual text” you can explain the period in more detail.

Tip 1: Choose a booking status that you do not otherwise use, or only rarely use, to distinguish these periodic bookings from the normal bookings. Note also that the booking statuses Tentative, Locked and Cancelled Online Booking do not require a main contact.

Tip 2: Use the booking labels to indicate the type of periods (e.g. holidays, city festivals or trade fairs).