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Edit unit’s profile

1. Open the unit you want to edit by going to the Object Management, then going to the Rentable Units, selecting the unit and clicking the Edit button.

This will show the unit’s profile.

2. Edit the data and then click Save or select a different item from the left list that you might want to edit.

Please make sure you understand the Definitions of the unit categories when selecting the unit type!

 Select/edit color for the unit

Every rentable unit can be shown with a custom color in the reservation schedule.

1. In the profile of the rentable unit, activate the “Color Code”, by checking the box next to it.

2. By clicking on the color field you will open a window where you can select the color you like.

3. The color you have selected will then be the unit’s color in the reservation schedule.

The object’s color will be shown in a small sliver at the far left of the unit to symbolise the unit’s affiliation to the object.