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Change booking status to Booked

Changing the status to Booked is only possible when you have added a main contact to the booking.

Change booking status to Booked in booking window

1. Double-click on the booking you want to edit in the reservation schedule. This will open the booking window.

2. Select the status Booked in the drop down menu on the right side.

3. Close the booking window, this will change the booking’s colour in the reservation schedule to the one that you have specified in the Preferences for Booked bookings.

Change booking status to Booked in reservation schedule

1. Select the booking that you want to edit and then call up the context menu by right-clicking on it.

2. Within the context menu, select Change Status To > Booked.

Select the booking you want to edit in the reservation schedule and then go to Bookings > Change Status To > Booked.

This will change the status of the booking and the booking’s colour to the one you have specified in the Preferences for Booked bookings.

Now you can proceed e.g. by creating an invoice.