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Booking statuses in Lodgit Desk

Here you’ll find some information on all the booking statuses Lodgit Desk has to offer.


This is the lowest booking status; it’s the default status for all bookings that you draw into the reservation schedule. A main contact must be added to the booking before you can change the status (unless you want to change the status to Disabled). You cannot create confirmations or invoices for bookings with this status.

You can decide if time frames with Tentative bookings are to be shown as vacant when synchronising with the online modules.

The function “Split” is not available for bookings with this status.

When changing the main contact, dates or rentable unit, the price information will automatically be reloaded from Object and Price Management. If you’ve manually edited the price, change the status of the booking immediately to avoid unwanted changes!


Bookings will automatically receive this status when an offer was saved/printed for them. You cannot create invoices for bookings with this status.

You can decide if time frames with Offer bookings are to be shown as vacant when synchronising with the online modules.


Bookings will automatically receive this status when a confirmation was saved/printed for them. You cannot create offers or invoices for bookings with this status.


You cannot create offers or confirmations for bookings with this status.

Checked In

Bookings with this status can no longer be moved and their arrival date cannot be changed. The departure date, however, can still be changed. You cannot create offers or confirmations for bookings with this status. Guests in bookings with this status will automatically listed under “Current Guests” in the reservation schedule.

Bookings cannot receive this status when their arrival date lies in the future.

Checked Out

Bookings with this status can no longer be moved, lengthened or shortened. You cannot create offers or confirmations for bookings with this status.

The function “Split” is not available for bookings with this status. Bookings with this status will count as “vacancy” online (Online Booking System and Channel Manager).

New Online Booking

Bookings that you receive via the Online Booking System will automatically have this status. Bookings with this status also mostly have an automatically generated reservation number.

Bookings with this status cannot be deleted immediately. Trying to delete them will mark them for deletion instead. After synchronising with the Online Booking System, these bookings will receive the status Cancelled Online Booking. Only then, they can be deleted.

Cancelled Online Booking

Online bookings will receive this status when you try to delete them. They will first be marked for deletion and then, after synchronising with the Online Booking System, they will receive this status. Now, you can delete the bookings from the reservation schedule.

The function “Split” is not available for bookings with this status.


You do not need to add a main contact to bookings with this status. A label of specified text (e.g. renovation) will appear in the reservation schedule after the status Disabled. Bookings with this status do not count towards the analysis of occupancy rate and RevPAR. The maximum value possible for this analysis will also be adjusted accordingly, so that the rentable unit is viewed as non-existant for the duration of the booking.

The function “Split” is not available for bookings with this status.