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Balancing the cashbook

Whenever the cashbook is handed over, you should create and save a balance.

Creating a balance is an action that can not be undone!

In order to balance the cashbook, go to Administration and then select Cashbook. A new window will open where you can find the button Balance.

The cashbook shows all cash payments, sales, purchases, and other transactions for which a receipt has been created since the last balance.

Please print a list of the current entries before clicking the Balance-button. 

When you click on Balance without printing the cashbook, you will be asked in a new window, whether you want to print the balance.

You can choose between the current day, yesterday and the day before yesterday as a date on which you want the balance to happen and specify a time freely.

If you don’t need a printout, you can press the Save Now button. If you want to stop the process, press Cancel.

Every balance of the cashbook will be saved under Administration > Cashbook archives. 
The archives allow you to print out older balances as well.