Clear and simple property management
Hotel software for multiple properties
With Lodgit Desk Hotel Software, you can easily manage your facilities. In the property management section you create your rooms, beds, vacation apartments etc. Of course, you decide what each rental unit is made up of.
A youth hostel may create a few beds, single and double rooms, while a hotel only creates several rooms and a landlord of holiday apartments creates apartments. You can also create your own rental unit types and thus adapt Lodgit Desk to your individual needs.
Objects – One, Two, Many?
An object in Lodgit Desk is made up of several accommodations that are billed together and share the same invoice number range, mail template etc, i.e. your hotel, your youth hostel, your campsite. A special feature of Lodgit Desk is that you can easily create and manage multiple objects;
Rental units – beds, rooms, apartments?
A “rental unit” is always the smallest rented unit. So if your double room is already “full” even with single occupancy (i.e. you would not rent out the second bed in addition), then the room is your rental unit.
This is different for dormitories: there, single beds or berths are rented out, so here the bed is considered a rental unit. You can create different rental unit types in each object, including your own, to specifically reflect your individual operation.
For each rental unit, you define the basic settings separately. These include:
Customised Just For You
Set up your rooms, beds, vacation homes, parking spaces, tent areas etc… the way you need them.
If the default types are not enough, Lodgit Desk lets you to create your own “rental unit types”. This way the booking calendar reflects exactly your individual needs.