Display your room vacancies in a calendar
Online hotel room booking software & vacancies calendar
Online Occupancy Calendar
In addition to the online booking system, the Online Systems* add-on module also contains these options:

View Your Own Bookings Online
From any computer or smart phone with internet access, you can view the occupancy of your accommodation facility and, if necessary, make bookings for your guests there yourself. All you have to do is log in to your SSL-protected Lodgit account. Your own bookings are automatically transferred to Lodgit Desk through regular synchronisation – including complete address data and if specified, the payment information of the guest.
A Booking Calendar For Your Website
In addition to the online occupancy calendar, which shows the occupancy of all accommodations of a property, you can also integrate individual calendars for each accommodation into their website, where you can set how many months should be displayed.
Example of a Lodgit calendar:
Vacancy calendar of ‘Gut Royum’
An Alternative To Online Bookings
Do you want to show your guests when you have vacancies but would rather them not to be able to book directly? No problem!
Simply integrate the booking calendar into your website with the code snippet provided, and let your guests contact you with a contact form. Your guests can see when your units are available and then send you a non-binding request.
If you want to receive actual online bookings you can use the Online Booking System.
Send your Calendar to Booking Sites like AirBnB & 9flats
Sites that advertise holiday homes or apartments are very rarely connected to channel managers. This means if you receive a booking you have to go through each website and update the status – which takes a lot of time! With the ics feed, this is a thing of the past!
We provide an occupancy calendar for each rental unit in the form of an iCal calendar (ics feed), which updates itself at regular intervals and can be imported from these portals.
* The module “Online Systems” requires a valid Lodgit Desk license. Once you have a license, the online ‘Online Systems’ module can then be added for a small monthly fee in our online shop.