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Search for a guest

You have a search option in the Guest Management. This lets you look for a certain guest or specific data in your guest files.

1. Open the Guest Management.

2. Enter the word or characters that you want to look for in the search field at the top left and hit Enter (or click on the search button).

You can separate several search words by using a space. These words will then automatically be searched with an AND-conjunction.

The search will look through all the data in the Guest Management. It does not matter whether a guest is blocked or active.

The notes area of a guest will be searched as well!

You don’t have to enter complete words into the search, but the search does get more specific results the longer the word is. If you enter the letters th, then all guest data that contain the letters th, TH, Th will be shown.

If you make the word longer, such as Smith, the search result will be more specific.

You can also use the universal placeholder *
Example: A search for ‘gon*alez’, the search will find ‘gonzalez’ as well as ‘gonsalez’.