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Edit booking time frame

Change the time frame in the booking window

1. Open the booking window of the booking you want to edit.

2. Use the arrows next to the date you want to edit to change the arrival and departure date.

You can also change the dates by manually editing the Arrival and Departure dates.

You can also edit the number of Nights. By editing the number of nights, the departure date will be adjusted automatically.

You can only edit the departure date for bookings with the status Checked In. Bookings with the status Checked Out can not be edited.

3. Close the booking window or switch to a different list item.

Change the time frame in the reservation schedule

You can edit the time frame of a booking in the reservation schedule by dragging the booking to the left or the right, or by extending or shortening the booking.

Use the Select mode. To do that, click the einzeichnen button above the reservation schedule.

To move a booking to another time frame, select it and then drag it to the left or right while holding down the mouse button.

Dragging a booking to a different time frame is only possible when the booking has the status TentativeOfferConfirmedOnline Booking or Disabled.

If you go the booking window area Stay and check the box that says “Lock”, the booking will be locked down with its time frame and unit no longer being editable.

To shorten or extend the time frame of a booking, drag the end of the booking to the left or right while holding down the mouse button.